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Wholesale Info



Place wholesale orders on !

We know that taking care of your customers is your number one priority.  We also know that placing orders is easier if you can do it from home at odd hours.  We thought about sleeping at the office but instead we added wholesale capability to our website!

To order with wholesale pricing you need to have a wholesale account with us.  In order to get a wholesale account follow these simple steps and PRESTO, you can order FOXERS without having to make a phone call!

Get an account

  1. Contact Us using our web form or call (757) 214-9225 to request a wholesale account.
  2. Tell us about your business (locations, products, website, etc.)
  3. Allow us to approve your wholesale account status (we might call to say hi)
  4. Once approved, log in to your account HERE to place orders with your wholesale pricing.


Already have an account?

Log in to your account HERE.



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